Clinic Coordinator
25 Aug 2023
In the year 2023-2024 the Clinic will work with the following projects:
Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten: A research project on fair recruitment standards of labour migrants. This could
include best practice in other countries, private or public law approaches, questions of enforcement and criminal liability, and could also connect with International Labour Organisation norms and Sustainable Development Goals.
Stichting Straatconsulaat: A project to research the international (UN) and European (EU and Council of Europe) human rights framework on stigmatizing and criminalizing rules and legislation (and application thereof) for people experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness.
International Commission of Jurists: A research to help prepare a mission to evaluate justice, judiciary and human rights in Montenegro, consisting of an overview of the current legal framework and the judicial system in Montenegro, c
hallenges related to the rule of law / judicial independence stemming from findings of international bodies (eg the Venice Commission) and available stakeholder (especially NGO) reports.
(Under consideration) Public Interest Law Project (PILP): A project involving an inventarisation of international/EU human rights standards related to discrimination in financial and banking sector.